The EmmaJack is a very comfortable, safe, dry down east style boat. The Best Sport & Family Fishing Charter out of Bass River, Cape Cod, MA
EmmaJack Cape Cod, Fishing Charter

EmmaJack Fishing Charters
• F/V EmmaJack 35″ Young Brothers full electronics and safety gear • Heated wheelhouse, Head • Rod reels bait & tackle • Fish will be filleted and bagged for you. • Max 6 anglers, multiple boat charters can be arranged. • 4, 6, or 8-hour trips *No individual saltwater fishing liscense required. Things to bring: Food/beverages, Camera, extra outerwear, cooler for fillets, sunscreen and sunglasses.
The EmmaJack is a very comfortable, safe, dry down east style boat. She cruises at 17 kts. has a full heated wheel house to get out of the weather, a head, and full safety equipment including a 6 person raft, EPIRB and Type 1 lifejackets. She is a very stable boat to fish from which makes it a great trip for families with children!
Our Catches

Big Striped Bass on Cape Cod with EMMAJACK Charters

Cape Cod Charter Fishing

Tuna Charter Fishing Cape Cod, MA

Bass River Fishing Charter Cape Cod, MA
What our happy customers say
We had an awesome time fishing with you, we have only great things to say about you and the fishing trip!!!! Thank you so much… oh we tried recipe #3 the very night we got back from the trip. Pos-a-lutely delicious!!!
“How often in life do you get to say “this is the best day ever”? With my relatives from North Carolina or five friends in the Joe Cronin Fishing Tournament when you are on the Emma Jack with Captain Mike, you will hear that a lot, and “what are we going to do with all these fish”? “
Capt. Mike: Thanks for a great charter last Friday, August 17th. I can appreciate why John Cole in his book Striper refers to them as “muscular shafts of light”. Seeing them chase baits in the breaking waves of the shoals has formed unforgettable images in my mind. Maybe we can get you to take us once more in the Fall. Regards,
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